Home > My diaries > A new roommate joins in

A new roommate joins in

I didn’t know what drove me to do it during Golden Week this year. It was a sunny day at that time. My subordinate and I were getting on booking for our subsidiaries in our office. I found we ran out of some stationery, so I left the subordinate and went out to a hardware store to get them. I’m not sure what kind of goods and how many tools hardware stores in other countries carry, but those of Japan do a lot of things: appliances, tools, stationery, flowers, plants, and animals.

Some squeaks just attracted me once I entered the building. I made my way to the direction of the sound before I bought some stationery. Parrots, tropical fish, golden fish, rice fish, parakeets, dogs, cats, turtles, a lot of animals welcomed me. Particularly, one animal totally stole my heart at first sight.


They were running around frantically in the cage instead of sprinting in a running wheel. That was so cute! I couldn’t help saying to a shop clerk,’I want a chipmunk.’

I’ve had several kinds of animals before; dogs, stag beetles, loaches, parakeets, termites(my mother extremely raged at the moment she saw me holding a bunch of termites in a thick branch in my hand) etc., but it’s the first time that I’ve had a chipmunk. The clerk instructed me how to have chipmunks. No feeding a lot of sunflower seeds in a day. Keeping the room temperature constant. No touching them for at least a week after you get them in your room. They are so timid that they can die of shock. They are diurnal, not nocturnal. It means it’s not good to make noises at night. Staying up late at night, of course, you’ve got to refrain from it. Oh, crap. I’m a nighthawk!

Anyway, Chip-chan(her name) and I have been living in my room ever since then. I put several goods like a running wheel in the cage. Cleaning up the cage, especially getting rid of feces, is sometimes annoying me, but her cute and adorable actions can make me relaxed. It’s so painful when she bites me, though. Yes, she is a rodent.

I just uploaded a footage of her. So pretty, isn’t she?

Categories: My diaries
  1. July 19, 2012 at 8:21 am

    Welcome to fatherhood. Just kidding. 🙂 I prefer cats.

    • July 20, 2012 at 1:33 pm

      I don’t think I’m an affectionate father, though 🙂 Cats? Oh, I’ve got to protect my Chip-chan from them, then. lol

  2. July 21, 2012 at 7:52 am

    Not an affectionate father. Hmm. 🙂 But you’re a protector.

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